
Succession Planning for Business Owners

As a business owner, you deal with many responsibilities, including having to decide what to do with your business when you move on. Sometimes the logical endgame for a business is to be wound up, but in most cases, the aim is a smooth transition to new ownership....

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New laws for Short-Term Rental Accommodation NSW

The New South Wales Government has introduced a statewide regulatory framework for short-term rental accommodation, titled State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) Amendment (Short-Term Rental Accommodation) 2021 (STRA). The framework regulates...

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Is a testamentary trust right for you?

One of the most loving things that you can do for your family is make plans for what happens after you die. This is particularly important if you have children or vulnerable adults who depend on you financially. A testamentary trust might be the right tool to help you...

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First Home Buyers Choice NSW – stamp duty v land tax

For most people, buying their first home is a huge challenge, both financially and personally. With the cost of the “average” home in New South Wales exceeding a million dollars, saving a 20% deposit is itself a substantial undertaking, usually requiring years of...

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Ensure the Will is up to date before a loved one loses capacity

The question of mental capacity is an important consideration in will-making and can be a contentious issue. How often do we hear family members arguing over a loved-one’s ‘state-of-mind’ and ‘what Grandad would have wanted’ when sadly, his memory and ability to make...

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Self Managed Super Funds – Buying Property

Since 2007, self-managed super funds (SMSF) have been permitted to borrow money to invest in all types of real property including residential property, commercial property and industrial property. Prior to 2007, SMSFs could purchase property but were not permitted to...

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Buying a business – some handy hints!

So you have found a business and you have your heart set on buying it. Or maybe you work for a business that looks like it is being sold. Congratulations that’s great news! However, before you rush off to hand over the purchase price or greet the new owner of the...

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