You may know someone who is having difficulty managing their financial affairs and has debts and liabilities which they cannot meet. They may be considering declaring themselves bankrupt. Before they do so, consideration should be given to some alternatives which are...
The Unfair Contract Terms Regime (UCT Regime) was extended to cover standard form contracts entered into with ‘small business’ in November 2016. The Regime is fully operational and has a significant impact on the way Australian businesses contract with each other. It...
In Australia, a person is ‘technically’ free to choose who should benefit from his or her estate. Testamentary freedom is a well-founded principle. This principle however may be subject to community expectations of moral obligations. Consequently, in some...
It’s important for all businesses to have systems in place to determine whether workers should be classified as employees or independent contractors, as tax, super and other government obligations are different depending on whether the working arrangement is...
A retirement village is a community-style residential development offering accommodation, facilities and services to people from retirement age onwards. There are many types of arrangements which should be carefully explored before making your move to...